"It's not what you are underneath but what you do that defines you."
tadi malem baru nonton salah satu film terbagus yg pernah gua tonton.. Batman Begins! :D Keren banget! gua suka cara Christopher Nolan memvisualisasikan Batman dan Gotham.
- Christian Bale cocok banget jadi Batman/Bruce Wayne, terutama karena sorot matanya yang pas banget, tajam dan agak sedikit prikopat.. hahaha.
- Michael Caine, well, kayaknya untuk aktor kawakan satu ini gak perlu komentar kan? Karakter Alfred jadi bagian yang sangat penting untuk film ini IMHO.
- Morgan Freeman,- Lucius Fox, kayaknya jadi kebiasaan dia jadi karakter paling cerdas di film2nya ya? hahaha... tapi bagus, he doesnt take his role too seriously, his character was fun to watch
- Gary Oldman - Patrolman/Sergeant/Lieutenant Gordon. ini orang tumben2an main jadi karakter protagonis.. hehehehe... tapi keren juga ngeliat aktingnya yang beda dari film-film lainnya
- Katie Holmes - Rachel Dawes. Karakter ini gak ada di komiknya, but well, i'm not complaining. it's just that her acting hasnt improve much from her Dawson days
Now to the storyline. This is by far, the best superhero movie i've seen. really. REALLY. the character development is superb. the relationships between the character is also great! especially the one between Bruce and Alfred. Bale and Caine plays the dynamics between these two characters perfectly.
I really like the way Bale makes it obvious that Bruce Wayne persona is merely a facade for Batman.
If there's anything i would complain from this movie, it would be the fighting sequences. it's too jittery and blurry to comprehend. and after a while, it gets a bit repetitive.
should there be a number two and three? you betcha! it would be such a waste of material kalau nggak.
anyway, that's it for now. i'll append something later if anything came to my mind :)
posted by iqbalbaskara